Thursday, March 31, 2011

Canada Votes 2011 - My Questions to the Political Parties

Although it would be nice to be the most connected country in the world, trailing on the list offers some privileges: like being able to study the effects of technology on those nations more connected than us. But it seems a lot of people think this is irrelevant, or won't effect us - or they don't understand it.

1) Since April 2010, Facebook has over 400 million users, with exponentially expanding growth. If facebook were a country, it would be the third most powerful nation in the world, second only to China and India. If Facebook, Google or another prolific website were to purchase the micro nation of the Principality of Sealand, they would instantly and irrefutably, become the largest country by population over the smallest land mass. This would change the way the world works. Think it can't happen? Zuck makes *many* allusions to this in his previous F1 Keynotes, and TPB has tried on numerous occasions to acquire the Principality of Sealand to house it's servers. It's only a matter of time.

If you party is elected, how will it contend with such major changes in the worldwide political landscape? Would Canada endorse UN and EU seats for 'web nations' ?

2) Since December 2008, the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory ruled that Facebook is a valid protocol to serve court notices to defendants. Australia, a commonwealth country, is believed to be the first to define a summons posted on Facebook as legally binding. In March of 2009, the new Zealand High Court associate justice David Glendall allowed for the serving of legal papers via Facebook.

If your party is elected, what reforms will it bring to the justice system to bring it into the 21st century?

3) In South Korea, the nation boasting the highest level of online penetration and speeds up to 200 times faster than the fastest internet available in Canada, kids who spend too much time online are sent to Internet detox boot camp. The government now estimates up to 30 percent of those under 18, or about 2.4 million children, are at risk. To combat the problem the South Korean government offers treatment at roughly 200 counseling centers and hospitals, and has trained more than 1,000 Internet addiction counselors. Of the 2.4 million at risk, 80% become hospitalized and 20% need medication. But South Korea is not alone. China has over 300 treatment centers which trest about 10 million teenagers. In 2007, the government ordered online computer game operators to set up a "game fatigue system" that encourages minors to play less than three hours per day by reducing their points in the game and issuing periodic warnings: "You have entered unhealthy game time, please go offline immediately to rest." This offers us a glimpse of what is coming to Canada within the next 72 months. Pandemic technology addiction will cripple our healthcare system in unimagineable, unfathomable ways.

If your party is elected, what immediate steps will it take to prepare our healthcare system for pandemic technology addiction?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reator #4 da Usina Nuclear de Fukushima apresenta sinais de superaquecim...

Acidente Nuclear ¥ Imagens da explosão na Usina de Fukushima após Terrem...

Japão: incêndio em reator é controlado, mas ainda há fumaça

Danger!!! Naiknya level radiasi di power plant nuklir Fukushima.flv

BREAKING! Workers Abandon Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Due To R...

Moradores de Tóquio temem radiação provocada por vazamento de usinas

Can History Repeating? Fears of Fukushima may turn into another Chernobyl

Japan Reactor Video of new explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant

Fire erupts again at Japanese nuclear plant 3.16.2011

福島第一原子力発電所 一号機爆発 Huge blast at Japan nuclear power plant

福島第一原子力発電所1号機水素爆発の瞬間 2011,3,12


Japan Tsunami ( 日本の津波 ) 2011 - Fukushima is not Chernobyl: IAEA

Wybuch w japońskiej elektrowni atomowej - co wybuchło?

福島第1原発損傷の状況 Fukushima Nuclear Plant Damage No3~No4

Workers at Japan's damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant have suspended their ...

【地震】鉄道は始発から運行 本数減らして運転(11/03/16)

Fukushima Crisis

Сatastrophic in Japan of 3/16/2011

【地震】非常事態の福島第一原発 危機回避へ注水(11/03/16)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

20110312【台視新聞】強震攪局 何潤東演唱會變見面會

В Японии продолжаются толчки магнитудой до 6 баллов

Analysts Debate Danger of Japan's Nuclear Plants

【東日本大震災】気仙沼市の津波発生の瞬間20110313 031633

Japan tsunami 2011 Mind blowing video footage

新台灣加油 1400 20110311 8

新台灣加油 1400 20110312 11

Explosion at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, at least 4 injured

Radiation level rising at Fukushima nuclear plant in quake-hit Japan

Japan's Chernobyl? Radiation pressure fears at Fukushima plant

Japan earthquake: Danger of nuclear disaster after Fukushima plant failure?


Japan Earthquake leads to explosion at Nuclear Power plant in Fukushima

tsunami kona hawaii march 11, 2011


Town wiped out by Tsunami,10,000 feared dead.

Terremoto y Tsunami en Jsapón VI [By RT]

آثار الزلزال فى اليابان Japan Earthquake Tsunami 2011

Japan Nuclear Reactor Fukushima Explosion

Japon (Tokyo) : le seisme en direct, les bâtiments bougent !

Friday, March 11, 2011

Uno Noticias - Noticiero del día - 11/03/11 - 16:00hrs (1/1)

Tsunamy alerta en la costa de Chile

Naturkatastrophe in Japan, Störfälle in Atomkraftwerken, Hintergrund, AKW-Sicherheit, Reaktionen, Tsunami US-Küste, Kämpfe in Libyen, EU zu Libyen, Eu

زلزال اليابان تمايل ناطحات السحاب Japan Quake Shaking Building

JAPAN CATASTROPHE!! Yokohama-Tokyo 11 March 2011

Japan Earthquake hitsTokyo supermarket CNN- 11-03-2011

Alerta de tsunami en Chile tras terremoto de Japón

Permanece alerta de tsunami en Hawai

Japan Issues State of Emergency at Nuclear Power Plant Tsunami Japan Ear...

CNN Terremoto Japan U S

Subscribe to our RSS feed for the most comprehensive world news syndication of the Japan Tragedy

Once Noticias-Japón sufre el peor terremoto en 140 años

Japan -Tsunami erreicht die Küste.Atomkraftwerk brennt

Japan Flutwelle �berrollt die K�ste.flv

Tsunami wave hits Kona, hawaii

Japoneses en Canarias siguen de cerca la tragedia

Chile se prepara por alerta de Tsunami

Número de desaparecidos chega a 88 mil no Japão

Japan Earthquake - Helicopter View - Tsunami hits Japan

زلازل وبراكين في اليابان- أنا عايز أزرع بلدي-تامر نجاح

اليابان:زلزال عنيف وتسونامي

زلزال اليابان المدمر ... موجات تسونامي تضرب اليابان

Tsunami in Japan - تسونامي في اليابان خطير 日本での津波


日本仙台大地震海嘯 20110311 - 04:05pm

Japanese Earthquake 日本海嘯 日本津波 03 11 2011 (ATV Hong Kong) Live 2

2011 日本大津波 Japan Tsunami 日本海嘯 02.avi

11.03.2011. Цунами в Японии. Съемки с вертолета. CNN

Tsunami Japan March 11, 2011 - the sinking of the airport

Japan M 8.9 Quake -- Fire Reported in Tokyo 【日本宮城大地震】東京一建築 著火

東北地方太平洋沖地震 0時30分前後の放送より (3.12sat)

11.03.2011.Япония.Землетрясение.Взгляд изнутри.CNN

Japan Nuclear Radiator Reactor Shaking View During Tsunami 8.9 Earthquak...

東北地方太平洋沖地震 1時30分前後の放送より (3.12sat)

Train Platform in Japan Shaking View During Tsunami 8.9 Earthquake [Brea...


Terremoto Japão Earthquake Japan

2011年3月11日 震度7 地震 生映像 RAW FOOTAGE (3/11/2011 Magnitude 8.9 earthquake)

March 11, 2011 日本 津波&地震

小島慶子キラ☆キラ 本番中地震襲来 2011.03.11



Terremoto y Tsunami en Japón (11/03/11) - Newsmx Tv (Especial)

Tsunami en Japón primeras imagenes del tsunami 11 de marzo 2011-日本での津波2011

Супер герой!!! (Цунами в Японии, Землетрясение) 11.03.2011

Earthquake tsunami2011.03.mpgJapan

Japan Tsunami (日本の津波) Live Video : Japan in Pacific Ring of Fire

Japan Quake (日本の津波) and its Impact on Global Recovery

Earthquake in Japan 2011 eyewitness footage. Disaster inside a Office !!

Allarme radiazioni

Tsunami in Giappone 11.03.2011 - Video Amatoriale TERRIBILE!!

Terremoto no Japão mata e fere muitas pessoas

Record Grava o Momento do Tremor no Japão

Tsunami atinge o Japão - 11.03.2011.asf

Forte terremoto atinge o Japão, veja o vídeo!

Desastre no Japão

Onda gigante arrasta carros no Japão - Globo

Número de desaparecidos chega a 88 mil no Japão

Tsunami Japão, Japan Tsunami,日本津波 , Japón tsunami,Giappone Tsunami ,Tsun...

Tsunami en Japon 2011

Tsunami y terremoto en Japón arrasa con embarcaciones y coches en tierra

Terremoto y Tsunami que golpeó a Japón - Trayectoria sobre México - 11/M...

Destrozo Terremoto en Japón y posterior Tsunami[Expectacular]

Destrozo Terremoto en Japón y posterior Tsunami[Expectacular]

Tourbillon suite au tremblement de terre au japon 11-03-2011

terremoto en japon (repercuciones en chile)


sismo en japon marzo 2011

Terremoto japon / 日本の地震/ escenas impactantes 日本の地震衝撃的なシーン

Tsunami and earthquake in Japan - séisme au Japon March 11 2011

La Furia del Mar Cae Sobre Japón, solidaricémonos!

terremoto en japon de 8.8 grados Richter

Aumenta la cifra de muertos por terremoto en Japón

jauregui II - terremoto 8.9 y tsunami en japon.wmv

Séisme au Japon : correspondance à Tokyo

Tsunami au Japon

Japanese earthquake..... sismo en japonn marzo 2011

Tsunami ONDAS DE 10 METROS atinge o Japão, após terremoto de 8.9. earthq...

Tsunami en Japón, Alerta en el Pacífico Mexicano

Terremoto de 8,9 grados, tsunami azota ciudades costeras de japon/8.9 ea...

Séisme : probablement plus de 1000 morts

terremoto en Japón (8,9) 11-03-2011

tsunami_en_japon marzo del 2011

maremoto 8.9 tsunami japon

Séisme au Japon : "On a beau être préparé, on a tous eu très peur"

arandas en detroit...Imagenes de le devastador tsunami en japon


Massive Earthquake in Japan - FULL worldwide coverage

Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan (Tsunami Warning For Japan, ...

Tsunami in Japan 2011 - Breathtaking View of Tsunami Waves - Rare Video ...

Mind Blowing Video March 11, 2011 Japan. Sendai Tsunami.mp4

Tsunami areas - The Pacific Ring of Fire



Japan Being Obliterated,100's Dead - 8.9, Hundred Over 5 scale Quakes -...

Japan's massive tsunami/quake

Tsunami hits japan 2011

Tsunami hit Japan on March 11th, 2011

Japan Earthquake March 11/11 (3D Earthquake program)

Japan Hit by Earthquake, March 11th, 2011

Japan Earthquake Tsunami Breaking News March 11 2011

Japan's 8.9 magnitude earthquake triggers tsunami march 2011

Kamaishi engulfed by tsunami after earthquake rocks Japan march 2011

japan Earthquake 8.9 and a tsunami ( 2011-03-11 )

Tsunami Japon 11 marzo 2011

japan Earthquake 8.9 and tsunami ( 2011-03-11 )

strange thing seen in 2011 japan tsunami

Japan Earthquake - Grocery Store Footage


Stuck In Tsunami - SURVIVOR JAPAN -tsunami japan/russia cnn breaking news


Tsunami - Earthquake in Japan


Strong 8.9 earthquake rocks Japan, tsunami hits North East


japan 11 march 2011 Earthquake 8.9 live

JAPANESE 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake & Tsunami Videos - March 11 2011

Distaster Tsunami And EarthQuake Strike Japan

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

UN Resolution Banning Libya From UN Human Rights Council

Jihad On Gaddafi 17/02/2011 الجهاد فى ليبيا على الصهيونى القذافى

RAW, Libya, wounded man in Az Zawiya hospital makes a statement

Libya Uprising: 'Gaddafi's son seen killing protesters'

عاجل تفجر الوضع في ليبيا

Libyanın kurtuluşu freedom libya

Revolution Libya & kaddafy 01.03.2011, no war Libya - USA!

رد الشيخ الصادق الغرياني علي الأحداث الأخيرة في ليبيا

Change in Middle East, North Africa must come "from within," Ban says; U...

Libyan refugee and food crisis looms‎, UN suspends Libya from Rights Co...

US shoots down Cameron's no fly zone idea 01 mar 2011

Pressure mounts on Libya

الرئيس اليمني كل هذا يخدم اسرائيل

Intervencion del embajador Jorge Valero ante la ONU caso Libia


0305入試問題投稿 京大が被害届へ


التوانسه يطردون وزير التعليم في الشارع

صدام حسين يتحدث عن النظام السوري جزء 2 من 2

0305減税日本 100人程度を擁立

Fidel Castro será reemplazado en el PCC

Губернатор посетил Любытинский район

قناة العربية 1مارس2011

Cuatro desarrollos piden amparo contra NOM 059; una docena más en trámite

Minęła dwudziesta 01.03.2011 2/3

Acusados de tráfico de drogas são presos em Laranjeiras do Sul - 01/03/2011

Manifestación Tenerife 26-02-2011.wmv

entrevista com leonardo barbosa frota 01 03 2011


Flagrante em São Paulo - Caminhão Pipa Derruba Poste

Eskorta króla Abdullaha z Arabii Saudyjskiej

Ciclistas atropelados em Porto Alegre-RS (FLAGRA do Exato momento do atr...

Il palo della banda dell'ortica - Marco Travaglio

Atropelamento - Massa Critica 25/02/2011

jugador del Pereira, Luis Moreno, patea una lechuza